We have a late night pharmacy which is open 7 days a week and our pharmacy opening hours are:
Monday to Friday 9.00am - 6.30pm
Saturday 9.00am - 1.00pm
Sunday Closed
We offer a full range of medications, simple medical advice, a retail area for those essential last minute items and can provide a home delivery service if required.
We also offer Repeat Dispensing, please enquire at our pharmacy about this service.
About the pharmacy
We are a friendly family-owned independent business which opened as a 100 hour pharmacy in 2008 based in Mayfield Medical Centre.
We are delighted to offer a full and comprehensive range of pharmacy services at times that suit you. The late night opening 7 days a week means that picking up your prescription is so much easier to pick up in the evenings and weekends when you park in the surgery car park free of charge to pick up your medication.
We stock and dispense a full range of medication. On that rare occasion when we do not have an item in stock, for example, an infrequently prescribed or unusual item we pride ourselves at being able to source the medication as soon as we possibly can. If this is an ongoing prescription we can then order it in for you the next time.
We can go through your prescribed medication with you, explain what they are for, how to take them and advise regarding any possible side effects. This is called a Medication Usage Review.
We also have a small retail area which stocks a wide range of items from plasters, pain killers and bandages, to toiletry such as soaps, shower gels and deodorants to infant feeding bottles and even flypaper.
We can advise regarding common ailments such as coughs and colds, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, hay fever, pain relief, vitamins and allergies, contraceptive services such as 'the morning after pill' and review asthma inhaler techniques. We can also advise you whether it would be appropriate to contact your GP or Devon Doctors if out of hours.
We also offer
- Free collection of prescriptions from all Paignton Surgeries.
- Delivery of prescriptions to patients and carers who for whatever reason are unable to come to Mayfield.
- Repeat Prescribing Scheme - For suitable patients a prescription may be issued for up to 6 months in advance whereby you would just need to pick your prescription once a month.
Contact us on 01803 495404
Other pharmacies are open late locally until:
- 6.00pm Day Lewis Foxhole
- 10.00pm Boots at The Willows on Monday to Saturdays 9.00am to 9.00 pm and on Sundays 10.00am to 5.00pm
Details of opening hours are available at the Practice, a local Pharmacy's window, from the Police or in a local newspaper
What our pharmacy can do for you:
Pharmacies offer a wide range of services that can answer your immediate medical needs.
You need don't need to make an appointment, so a visit to the pharmacy can often save you a wait for a GP appointment.
Did you know Pharmacists are highly trained health professionals able to advise you when you need to see a GP or other healthcare professional or help you with the following?
Diagnose and advise treatment for minor ailments such as coughs, sore throats, wound dressings, skin rashes, diarrhoea/vomiting, constipation, headache, minor eye conditions, hay fever, head lice, insect bites and worms.
Help you with insulin pen poblems or emergency supplies of regular medications.
Advise on medications including recommendations, advice on side effects (including for prescription medications).
Review existing prescribed medications.
Advise on which medications (including over-the-counter or herbal remedies) can be safely be taken together.
Manage repeat prescriptions.
If you need late, Sunday or bank Holiday opening times call NHS 111 or search "pharmacies" at www.nhs.net.
Find out more at the NHS Choices website.