Mayfield Medical Centres

Tel: 01803 495400

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Ordering repeat prescriptions

The most efficient way of requesting your prescriptions online is called "Patient Access" - you can see your test results too! To obtain full access please contact the surgery either via the phone or using our  Contact us on line facility.  We will then verify your identity and email address and we will give you a code so you can complete the registration process online. Once you have your code, Click here to register for "Patient Access".

You can also order your repeat prescriptions through the NHS App that you can download to your phone. Please click here for details about the NHS App


You must allow 72 hours for the practice to safely prepare your prescription (see table below for the estimated time that the prescription will be ready.)

Avoid Delays - If you are requesting a medication that is not on your regular list or you have not had it for some time or you are requesting it early, please give a reason for your request.

Day you order your prescription Day prescription ready
Monday Thursday
Tuesday Friday
Wednesday Monday
Thursday Tuesday
Friday Wednesday

Please note that pharmacies vary in the time they take to provide you with your medication - this can be up to 1 week