Please join us!
How do I become a PPG member if I’m interested?
Contact and inform us of your e-mail address, and tell us you would like to be a PPG member, and also tell us if you are interested in joining the committee. We do not need any other information.
Your privacy is protected. The PPG only have the e-mail address you reported in your application. PPG information circulated to members is sent from an ‘undisclosed recipients’ database. We very much look forward to hearing from you.
October 2018 - We are currently seeking a new Secretary for the Committee. Can you help?
- to prepare Committee agendas in conjunction with the Chairman, including preparing papers to be discussed
- to prepare draft minutes for comment by the chairman, to revise as appropriate and to present unconfirmed minutes to the next meeting for approval
- to act as a sounding board for the chairman and other members on between-meeting tasks.
- to maintain the e-mail list of patients and carers who have asked to join the PPG
- to maintain a watching brief on the proceedings to ensure that they comply with the current terms of reference of the PPG.
- to maintain contact with the members on the list, including monitoring the PPG NHS e-mail address
- to maintain a record of the business of the PPG
Ideally, the Secretary should:
- be able to analyse issues and present them clearly on agendas for the discussion of the committee
- have good listening skills (which I no longer have, physically)
- be sensitive when writing minutes (which are not expected to be verbatim records of discussions) so that the personal, commercial or other interests of patients, members, the practice, and third parties are not compromised, yet still report the decisions and recommendations clearly.
It can be a very interesting role; the more that one gets involved the more one learns and can be in a position to influence relationships with the practice, but the minimum is to be able to provide the agendas and minutes clearly. If you wish to discuss the role further then please contact :-
Kathy Ambler (Chair)