1 in 3 people will fall this year. It is NOT an inevitable part of ageing! A fabulous document with lots ot tips to minimse risk of falling. In the centre there are the "Super 6 exercises" that are minimal but do make a difference if someone can only manage a very small amount of exercise
Some simple exercises to improve your balance and strength, plus some tips about making your home environment as safe as possible. If you would like a referral to a local “strength & balance” class then please ask your GP
Physical activity is really good for health, mental wellbeing, stress, sleep improvement and generally boosting quality of life. In addition, it helps maintain independence and confidence.
Here are links to a variety of exercise programmes. Please read the joining instructions carefully to ensure this suits your level if fitness and health. If in any doubt start with the lower level activities and build up, particularly if you are not used to exercising.